11plus Daily Free Worksheet – 18 June 2024

Question 1

Adam ate 1/5 of a cake and her friend, Mona, ate 1/4 of the cake.
What fraction of the cake were left?


Adam ate 1/5 of the cake and Mona ate 1/4 of the cake.
The fraction of the cake left is 1 – (1/5 + 1/4)
= 1 – (4+5)/20
= 1 – 9/20
= 20/20 – 9/20
= 11/20
Therefore, the fraction of the cake left is 11/20.

Question 2

A library has 15000 books. 2/5 of the books are fiction. 1/2 of the fiction books are for children. How many fiction books for children does the library have?


The library has 15000 books.
2/5 of the books are fiction.
Number of fiction books = 15000 x 2/5 = 6000
1/2 of the fiction books are for children.
Number of fiction books for children = 6000 x 1/2 = 3000
Therefore, the library has 3000 fiction books for children.

Question 3

James and Henry shared a pizza that had 12 slices in total. James ate 30% of the pizza, and Henry ate 2/5. What percentage of the pizza remains?


James ate 30% of the pizza.
Number of slices James ate = 12 x 30/100 = 3.6
Henry ate 2/5 of the pizza.
Number of slices Henry ate = 12 x 2/5 = 4.8
Total number of slices eaten = 3.6 + 4.8 = 8.4
Number of slices remaining = 12 – 8.4 = 3.6
Percentage of the pizza remaining = 3.6/12 x 100% = 30%
Therefore, 30% of the pizza remains.

Question 4

Olivia and Mona bought a bag of Candy. Olivia ate 1/5 of the candies and Mona ate 3/8 of the remaining candies. What fraction of the Candies were left?


Olivia ate 1/5 of the candies.
Mona ate 3/8 of the remaining candies.
Let the total number of candies be X.
Number of candies Olivia ate = X x 1/5 = X/5
Number of candies remaining = X – x/5 = 4X/5
Number of candies Mona ate = 3/8 x 4X/5 = 3X/10
Number of candies remaining = 4X/5 – 3X/10 = 8X/10 – 3X/10 = 5X/10 = X/2
Therefore, the fraction of the candies left is 1/2.

Question 5

Pitor, Ben, Adam, David and Henry decided to share a box of chocolates. They ate the chocolates as follows : Pitor ate 1/4, Ben ate 1/8, Adam ate 3/16, David ate 3/8, and Henry ate 1/16.
Who ate the least amount of chocolates?


Fraction Of chocolates Pitor ate = 1/4 = 4/16
Ben ate = 1/8 = 2/16
Adam ate = 3/16
David ate = 3/8 = 6/16
Henry ate = 1/16
Least fraction= 1/16

Therefore, Henry ate the least amount of chocolate
Therefore, Henry ate the least amount of chocolates.

11plus Daily Free Worksheet

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