11plus Daily Free Worksheet – 20 June 2024

Question 1

Subtract three times the smallest number from twice the largest numbers in the list.
5, 12, 9, 3, 8, 13


The smallest number in the list is 3.
The largest number in the list is 13.
Twice the largest number = 2 x 13 = 26
Three times the smallest number = 3 x 3 = 9
Subtract three times the smallest number from twice the largest number = 26 – 9 = 17
Therefore, the answer is 17.

Question 2

What is 486 minutes in hours and minutes?


1 hour = 60 minutes
486 minutes = 486/60 hours = 8 hours and 6 minutes
Therefore, 486 minutes is 8 hours and 6 minutes.

Question 3

Find the missing numbers.
4.39 × ________ = 439000


4.39 × ________ = 439000
To find the missing number, let the number be x.
4.39 × x = 439000
x = 439000/4.39 = 100000
Therefore, the missing number is 100000 or 10^5.

Question 4

There 360 boys and 120 girls at a primary school. During the holidays 50% of the boys and 40% of the girls saw the Harry and Potter movie.
How many pupils in total from the primary school saw the movie?


50% of 360 boys = (50*360)/100 = 180
40% of 120 girls = (40*120)/100 = 48
Total number of pupils who saw the movie = 180 + 48 = 228
Therefore, 228 pupils from the primary school saw the movie.

Question 5

A piece of wire 48cm long is bent into the shape of a rectangle. If the rectangle is twice as long as it wide, What is the area (in square centimetres)?


Let the width of the rectangle be x cm.
Then, the length of the rectangle = 2x cm.
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2(2x + x) = 48
2(3x) = 48
6x = 48
x = 48/6 = 8
Width of the rectangle = 8 cm
Length of the rectangle = 2 x 8 = 16 cm
Area of the rectangle = 8 x 16 = 128 cm^2
Therefore, the area of the rectangle is 128 cm^2.

11plus Daily Free Worksheet

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