11plus Daily Free Worksheet – 21 June 2024

Question 1

You are told that 33 × 46 = 1518. Using the fact find the answer of
151800 ÷ 4.6 = ?


33 × 46 = 1518
33 × 46 × 100 = 1518 × 100
33 × 46 × 100 = 151800
33 × 4.6 × 1000 = 151800
151800 ÷ 4.6 = 33000
Therefore, 151800 ÷ 4.6 = 33000.

Question 2

What is the 40% of 10 % of £800?


40% of 10% of £800 = (40/100) × (10/100) × 800
= 0.4 × 0.1 × 800
= 0.04 × 800
= £32
Therefore, 40% of 10% of £800 is £32.

Question 3

Adam, Ben and Carl are weighing themselves.
Together, Adam and Ben weigh 108 kg.
Ben and Carl weigh 93 kg.
Adam and Carl weigh 107 kg. What is the total weigh in kg?


Let the weight of Adam, Ben and Carl be A, B and C respectively.
A + B = 108 …(i)
B + C = 93 …(ii)
A + C = 107 …(iii)
Adding equations (i), (ii) and (iii),
2(A + B + C) = 108 + 93 + 107
2(A + B + C) = 308
A + B + C = 308/2 = 154
Therefore, the total weight of Adam, Ben and Carl is 154 kg.

Question 4

Find the area of parallelogram
11plus Daily Free Worksheet


Height of the parallelogram = 6 cm
Base of the parallelogram = 9 cm
Other side of the parallelogram = 8 cm
Area of the parallelogram = Base × Height
= 9 × 6
= 54 cm^2
Therefore, the area of the parallelogram is 54 cm^2.

Question 5

Adam thinks of a number.
He adds half of the number to a quarter of the number.
The result is 150. What number did Adam thinks of?


Let the number be x.
x/2 + x/4 = 150
(2x + x)/4 = 150
2x + x = 600
3x = 600
x = 200
Therefore, the number Adam thinks of is 200.

11plus Daily Free Worksheet

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